That, or I'm going to crash and burn!
So here's where we've been slidin' to lately!
* I was able to put on a pitching clinic for girls ages 9-13! It was a great turnout and I absolutely LOVED working with the girls! However, wonderful Mother Nature decided to step in and only give us 1 day to pitch! Sometimes she really makes me mad! But it was a positive and fun learning experience for many of those girls!! Oh yeah, and I had a BLAST!
*A few days after the pitching, and a few before the next activity, I took my Buddy and Peanut (along with one daycare kiddo) to the MN Zoo! I decided to buy a membership while I was at it! I'm sure, with 4 kids & daycare kiddos, we'll be going a little more frequently
* A few weeks ago we walked for the JDRF in honor of a family friend who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 7 years old! It was quite an experience to see all those walkers with t-shirts to support their loved-ones and friends! After raising $2 million+, I hope they continue to work for a cure for these little blessings.
*The next day R had his Pinewood Derby race for Boy Scouts! I know some parents really do a lot/most of the work on their kids' cars (which really frustrates me, but whatever), but we let Bug plan out his design, sand and paint/draw on it by himself. My hubby just used his table saw expertise to cut it! His car did ok...but he had fun!
* Amidst all the playing we've also been doing the regular weekly playing, too. My Princess did a dancing class called 'Feet of Faith'. Pretty much dancing for the Lord to some pretty cool Christian music (Go Fish!)! That was awesome, and she wants to do it again in April!
* My Buddy has been busy playing soccer at Shattuck-St. Mary's, as well as play floor hockey at the community center! Somehow he managed to squeeze in his 8th birthday, too! (He got tickets to the Wild game...thanks Ane!)
* My Peanut, who definitely still fits the nickname (just to give you a clue, she'll be 1 in 1 week, and she's still in her infant car seat!), started walking a few weeks ago! She's doing a pretty good job, but it's just so fun to watch her!! (More pics to come...hubby's got the camera.)
* I just did an indoor triathlon last weekend. Pretty short one, but first one I've done all by myself!! I finished 2nd in my category, so not bad for my first time. Now I'm training for an outdoor tri at the end of July!!! Lots of work to be done!! Here are some pics!!
Alright. Well, B, M and K are at the Father/Daughter Dance right now. So I'll post those pics soon. My babies are beautiful today, though....not that they aren't any other day!
Well, hopefully my playground slows down a little! But I am thankful that God has given us this playground to grow on! Hope you enjoy!