So I decided to go shopping for some lift-me-ups!! I walked in the store and the first thing I said was, "Hi. I am wondering if you could measure me!" How often does that happen? I felt kind of like a moron. But that's her job, you know! So she walked me away from the check-out counters. I figured she was going to take me to a fitting room or something. NOPE! Just a few feet away behind a rack of bras. LOL Ok, I guess:)
So she gave me my measurements and just started picking away. I was quite surprised at the cup size she had me at, but I figured she knew best, and we would just go try on these ta-ta holders! But as she kept grabbing more, they were not what I was expecting. I looked down the wall at the ones they had, and there were 3 colors to choose from: white, black, nude. Ahhhh, but they did have nude ones with frilly lace. Or white ones with see-through sides. Now there's a fancy, sexy bra! NOT.
Oh well. I figured I would try them on, make sure they fit and were comfortable, then just go back and choose the ones I like in a different pattern. So off to the changing room I went. And man is that an experience ; ) After nursing 4 kids, my pretties look like, well, not pretty! As I was putting on these bras, though, I was noticing that my these cups were HUGE! Ok, ring the doorbell and ask for a different size.
Whew! That did it! They fit perfectly. So I got them and went out to see if they had these styles in different patterns. Nope! Just plain old boring ones. I guess when women get to be my size they don't need to feel sexy. No pink ones. No zebra striped ones. White. Nude. Black. Those were my choices. So I went with one of each color! I figure I still need to treat my ta-tas, even if they might not be as sexy as smaller ones.
I encourage all women out there to treat your ta-tas. We all think about getting new jeans or a new dress. Well, wearing one of my new boulder holders today, I feel just an ounce sexier! That's enough for me! So go do it! And allow yourself to feel good about yourself no matter what your shape and size is!

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