Here's Alexander's entry into this world!
8:00 am: We arrived at the hospital and put into room 205!
8:30: my first dose of Pitocin was started. Only 3 ml/hr.
8:45: they upped it to 6 ml/hr.
8:50: I got to eat breakfast (hospital food -- which I actually like!)
9:06: Pit upped to 12 ml/hr.
9:11: contractions start and I can start walking around! I did my first 5 laps!!
9:25: my contractions are already at 2 min. apart.
9:35: up my Pit to 18 ml/hr.
10:40: Dr. comes in for an exam, but too thick to break my water. (Geez!!) Pit up to 30ml/hr.
11:20: Pit up to 36 ml/hr.
12:00: Lunch time!! Contractions are getting stronger, but pain rated at a "3+".
12:20: Pit up to 42 ml/hr. (Seriously, is this baby coming or what!?!?)
1:05: Nurse (who I requested b/c she is AMAZING!) comes in for an exam. Dilated to a 3. (Are you kidding me!! This is going to take as long as #1 and #2!)
2:24: (Some progress.) Dilated to a 5. Dr. broke my water! (Bring on the pain, baby!)
2:45: Backed the Pit down to 36 ml/hr.
3:45: Dilated to a 6. (Seriously? Only 1 cm after an hour! Do you KNOW how small 1cm is?)
4:05: Naptime, which lasted a whole 5-10 minutes!
4:40: Still at a 6, but fully effaced! (Getting closer...)
5:06: Dilated to a 9. Calling our Dr. back in!!
5:12: Given the OK to start pushing!
5:25: My husband helps deliver Baby Voracek, soon to be named

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