Time is such a precious word, if you really think about it. Time. Only four letters. But worth so much.
I sometimes don't feel like I have time to exercise. And if I do, I don't have time to shower afterwards. It's only an hour. But it's not enough time.
But an hour, spent with my husband and/or kids, is worth so much! And that, too, can just fly by.
Lately I feel like I haven't got enough time to do what I need to do: de-clutter my house! If at some point we move, I'm in trouble!! Serious trouble!! But I don't have the time to do much now. I feel like I'm always keeping my head afloat; or at least trying some days. And being at home people (or maybe just me) would think I would have time to get stuff done. But that is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE! With daycare kiddos running around during the day, then the kids' activities, homework (pretty much just reading), supper, getting ready for bed, there just doesn't seem to be enough time.
A simple four letter word. TIME.
Just wish I had more of it. Time to get stuff done. Time to read the amazing book I'm in the middle of. Time to play cribbage with my husband. Time to paint my daughter's finger nails. Time to work on letters with my 2-year-old. Time to draw with my oldest. Time to clean our cluttered room. Time to watch a chick flick. Time to volunteer at church. Time to paint our bathroom downstairs. Time to take a bubble bath. (I hear those can be pretty relaxing! LOL)
Since that probably won't happen anytime soon, I'm going to enjoy every minute of TIME that God has blessed me with!
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