Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The blessings that keep me going!

There are times in life when I just don't understand what's going on. And I don't know why they happen. I had yet another friend who lost their baby way too early. And it just pains me in a way that nothing else does. Why does God create a life, only to take them away before they have had time on this earth?

But in times like these, as I sit here next to my 4th blessing, I am reminded by God whispering in my ear that I CANNOT take the blessings in my life for granted! I need to cherish them! So as I sit here, the only one awake in my house, I am going to write them down...share it with whoever wants to see! If nothing else, on my rough days, when I am too busy complaining to really cherish my blessings, I can look on here and have a change of view.

B- my babies. Being a mom to 4 amazing kids! Miscarriage wasn't something that was real to me until after I had kids. I almost feel guilty knowing that I've had 4 healthy pregnancies with 4 healthy kiddos. But this is something that I hear about more and more, especially with those around me. I will, and DO, think about this when I'm having rough days. My babies.

L- laying next to my babies and husband as they are drifting off to their magical places.

E- enjoying the time I get to watch my little ones to what they love best. Tonight was Riley and Madi's last night of softpitch/t-ball (respectively)! They both had a great time, and I love that I can support them.
Riley~ anything that has a sports ball involved is a love of his. His favorites: soccer, baseball and simply playing catch.
Madison~ she loves putting on music (from when I went to Holland!) and her dress-up leotards/dance outfits and create new dances. She loves showing us her gymnastics moves. I enjoy just watching her:) (Although I do have to admit some of them could go on Funniest Home Videos!)
Alexander~ he just loves life! I love this kid!! His blue eyes are usually just sparkling from the things he does, or sees, or learns, or says. And his constant "Why?"...well, let's just say I need to ask myself sometimes why I'm so down about things I can't control. I've got it good here!
Kailyn~ although she doesn't do much now, I am enjoying it ALL knowing this is our last :( When Kailyn looks up at me and smiles, life automatically turns around. The innocence in her eyes, cheeks and toothless smile are just amazing! (I'm smiling as I type this right now!)

S- spending time listening to the sounds of my kids:
*Alexander shouting "FIRE!" when he gets angry! (although it's not too funny at the time)
*Kailyn cooing when she sees me or when she sees one of her siblings. The sound of her squealing as her daddy makes her laugh. The sound of her breathing next to me.
*Madi asking to sleep with her big brother during the thunderstorm so she feels safe.
*Riley laughing at his "cookoo" mom for making things up just so I can hear him laugh some more.
*Alexander saying "I love you, too, Mom!" before I even get a chance to say it to him first!

S- saying "Good Night" to my kids. The whole routine of bedtime. In fact, I miss that when I am not home for it (not very often, I must add).

I- "I love you!" I will never grow tired of hearing those 3 words! Ever! I am blessed that every day I get to hear those words directed to me - by 5 of my favorite blessings!

N- nestling in next to my husband. He is so caring. Loving. Patient. Strong. Faithful.

G- GOD! He is an ever-present part of my day. I thank him all day for the moments he has blessed me with. The prayers that he does, and doesn't, answer. The times he calms the storms in my heart and puts my mind at ease (which isn't easy sometimes!).

I'm blessed. That's all there is to it!

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