Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trying to teach lessons...

Being a parent can be a scary thing. Sometimes it's the best job and sometimes I wonder how I'll do a good job for the rest of my life! Today something happened that just made me scared to be a mom.

My oldest, 7, is such a nature boy! He loves to catch butterflies, frogs, moths and dragonflies! Bees, however, is another thing. We've taught him (and our other kidlets) that if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. We figured he would listen to us, knowing that we may know a thing or two! Not so the case today. Nature Boy thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if he poked a bee with a stick!!! Well, he found out. See below to see what happened!

I wanted to feel sorry for him...really! But we've told him to leave bees alone! Of course he's ok. And I told him I feel bad that he had to go through that pain. But I'm sure he's learned his lesson about bees. But what scares me as a mom is the fact that we try to teach our kidlets things, to keep them from experiencing the pain or hurt or humiliation from doing that one thing. But the thing is, they are still going to do those things just to be sure. That scares me.

We teach our kids that smoking is terrible!!! My daughter says she'll never smoke! Ever! We've taught her the bad things that ccould happen, and will happen, if they choose to smoke. But telling them this will probably not stop them from trying it, maybe not even stop them from actually partaking in the activity. Then this mom mind travels to driving, drugs, relationships, their faith! It's scary to me what could happen even though we've already tried teaching them about good choices for their lives!

I love my job as a mom!! And right along with my fears is the Lord holding my hand with His plan that I am blind to. I guess I just have to have faith that He is going to continue guiding me and my husband as parents, as well as guiding my kidlets, in our lives of so many choices. My prayer for my older two (who experienced this incident), as well as our younger two, is that sometimes it's not worth the risk to make a choice to see what will happen if Mom and Dad have already told them it wouldn't be a good idea!

My poor little guy, just being curious. Love you, Buddy!

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